Staff Paycheck

This card randomizer page is for the staff member's paycheck only, which can be picked up once and bi-weekly (during the 5th and 20th day of the month). The payout is meant to reflect the activity of the TCG and rewards given on the games. So if you are a game master of certain games, you are not allowed to play it, therefore you'll be paid the same amount of rewards there is in the games you moderate. Also, if the general activity of Gleam TCG increases or decreases, the payout may also increased or decreased too.

Click your name below to get your paycheck and make sure to follow the instructions given (if applicable). Game masters and deck makers should also click the link for the Game Masters and Deck Makers for a separate set of payouts. These are not included in your regular pay especially for the game masters since there are different sections for games.

Please do not refresh the page for better cards, just get the cards that will show up when you click on the links required for you. If there are any errors or mistakes, please let us know so it can be fixed as soon as possible.

Individual Payouts
Aki Cami Mio

Group Payouts
Game Masters Deck Makers Forum Staffs