Start your journey...

Kindly please have a moment to read the rules below before filling up the form! Many thanks~!

General Rules

  1. ..must have a working website (trade post) and email address must be valid, or else you won't get approved.

  2. ..must use a realistic name or nickname. If your name is already taken on the members list, please change your name or add a number instead (alphanumeric only).

  3. ..must upload your starter pack within two weeks followed by your bonus pack (once you get it). If you need more time, just please let me know.

  4. ..must update your trade posts at least every two months. If you do not, your status will be changed to inactive and you must reactivate your membership to continue trading.

  5. ..must keep a detailed log on your trade post so we know where you got your cards and other Gleam stuff from.

  6. ..must send a hiatus notice if you need to, because if your trade post is left un-updated, I'll assume that you stopped playing or no longer interested and you will be moved to the inactive list.

  7. ..must NOT DIRECT-LINK any graphics from Gleam. Please upload them to your own server or a free image site, such as Photobucket or Imgur.

  8. ..must NOT CHEAT anywhere and anyway possible. Which means...
    • are not allowed to refresh any prize page or randomizer unless you are told to do so.

    • are not allowed to give out answers to fellow players as well.

    • will play the games only ONCE per round unless told otherwise.

    • have to wait for the next game update in order to play again.

    • ..if you are caught cheating, you will be out and permanently banned from playing and joining Gleam.

  9. ..must provide a password to be able to access forms and the interactive section. This password is encoded in the database and cannot be retrieved or viewed by anyone.

  10. ..must be nice and polite to other members as much as possible. If members don't want to trade, respect their decision. Let's make this place peaceful and enjoyable.

  11. ..must head over the General Approval thread with the passcode included on your application email to get officially approved.

Freebies Rules

In every weekly update, Gleam TCG will have different sections of freebies and interactive to be mentioned, all of which are restricted to a deadline. This means that all players will have two months after the current update to take any freebies from it.

Please read the following rules you need to follow when taking Freebies from the updates:

  • ..must not take cards or freebies from any updates posted prior their join date except for the monthly event cards (the month you joined).

  • ..can only take the freebies and wishes once you have been officially approved.

  • ..must wait for the next update to officially take pulls/cards.

  • ..must start counting from the day you've been approved for the freebies deadlines. Which means...
    • ..if you joined on January 1st, you are not allowed to take the freebies from the December updates.

    • ..if starting February 1st you have become inactive/hiatus and comes back on April 1st, then you can take the freebies from February to March updates.

    • ..if you are a prejoiner, you are allowed to claim freebies for up to 3 months after the current update.

  • ..must comment on the current update where the freebies are announced with what you've taken. If you don't, you will be asked to remove any of the cards you took without commenting.

  • ..decks that you've made and/or donated that were released in an update can be taken anytime.

  • ..must check the wishes restrictions carefully where you can only take special cards when it says 1 card per deck, unless stated otherwise.


* Please take note that once you register via the form below, you will be automatically registered to our forums. So kindly take note of the password that you're going to use as this will also be your password in the forums; the datas that will be fetched are your name, password, email and URL.

Trade Post:Birthday: